Our FOLIAPLANT NATURE are organic liquid fertilizers for foliar application which can be used in organic farming in accordance with current European regulations.
Thanks to the ideal combination of 100% plant nutrients, our FOLIAPLANT NATURE activate the metabolism of plant cells while correcting nutritional deficiencies in nitrogen and potassium.
FOLIAPLANT NATURE are specifically adapted for the nutrition, improvement and growth of the vegetative system. They guarantee high levels of output and improve the quality of productions.
- Builds resistance and development.
- Reduction of losses by volatilization
- Stimulation of plant defenses.
- 100% natural and 100% organic nutrition.
- 100% vegetable formulation, quickly assimilated into the leaves.
- High organic matter content.
- Contains trace elements.
Our laboratory in our factory is a precious help in formulating innovative products but also in developing your formulas.
A minimum order will be imposed, do not hesitate to contact our sales department.