FOLIAPLANT NATURE 800 is an organic liquid fertilizer NPK for leaf application that can be used in organic farming1.


Thanks to the ideal combination of 100% plant nutrients, FOLIAPLANT NATURE 800 activates the metabolism of plant cells while correcting nutritional deficiencies in Azote and Potassium. The organic form of nitrogen gives it a continuous and regular availability. Nutrients are quickly assimilated for greater efficiency!


FOLIAPLANT NATURE 800 optimizes photosynthesis and the ability to collect minerals from the root system. Its absorption allows a better use of nitrogen by a better balance of the synthesis of the amino acids that make up the plant proteins. It stimulates the start-up of crops as well as the defenses of plants for increased tolerance to climatic and water stresses.


FOLIAPLANT NATURE 800 contains trace elements that specifically participate in most of the plant’s physiological functions.


FOLIAPLANT NATURE 800 is specifically adapted to the nutrition, improvement and growth of the vegetative system. It guarantees highs
performance levels and improves the quality of production.



  • Strengthens resistance and development.
  • Decrease in losses by volatility.
  • Stimulating plant defenses.
  • 100% natural and 100% organic nutrition.
  • 100% vegetable formulation, quickly assimilated into a leaf.
  • High organic matter content.
  • Contains trace elements.


Product code: 3349

Standard: NFU


1in accordance with current European regulations.



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The composition of liquid formulations is given in P/V (%).

Nitrogen (N) Total: 8.00%
Of which 8.0% Organic nitrogen of vegetable origin
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 0.00%
Potassium Oxide (K2O): 0.00%

Trace elements:
Boron (B): 0.3000%
Copper (Cu) EDTA: 0.0900%
Molybdenum (Mo): 0.0100%
Zinc (Zn) EDTA: 0.05000%

Organic matter: 50.0%

Density: 1.22
pH 6.67

– Arboriculture
– Industrial crops
– Great crops
– Market gardening
– Vine


Drum 5L (Palette 480L)

Drum 10L(Palette 600L for France and 750L for export)