Our ORBYOPLANT are mini NPK organo-mineral granules (1 to 3 mm) that can be used in organic farming in accordance with current European regulations.
Our ORBYOPLANT are the result of a combination of 100% natural organic and mineral materials. This ensures dynamic nutrition through the presence of soluble elements that can be directly assimilated and progressive by organic nitrogen of animal origin.
The supply of organic matter, derived from animal meal, improves the structure of the soil by stimulating microbial life. This ensures the release of soil reserves and a better transformation into humus.
Organic nitrogen (N) guarantees progressive nutrition that is smooth and environmentally friendly: there is no loss through leaching.
Phosphorus (P2O5) complexed by organic matter is protected. It is readily available and promotes good root development in crops.
Our ORBYOPLANT contain a high amount of calcium (CaO) for better nutrition in acidic soils.
- Progressive and immediate nutrition of the plant.
- Valuation of soil reserves.
- No loss through nitrogen leaching.
- Activation of microbial life in the soil.
- 100% natural nutrition.
- High organic matter content.