PLANTALG SEAWEED EXTRACT a complete leaf liquid fertilizer. Very rich in natural extracts of brown algae of different natures harvested on the Breton coast and chosen for their high agronomic quality: Laminars, Ascophyllum and Fucus. Suitable for organic farming according to Regulation (EC) N°834/2007 and regulation NOP (USA)N


PLANTALG SEAWEED EXTRACT is a product with a strong stimulating power, since because of its content in seaweed extract, it provides a high dose of natural phytohormones (cytoquinins, auxines, gibberry, etc.), amino acids and carbohydrates (alginic acid, mannitol, etc.) which when applied enters the cellular tissues playing a role on the physiological processes of the plant, promoting its growth and flowering.
PLANTALG SEAWEED EXTRACT is recommended as a stimulant of the metabolic activity of the plant since thanks to the elements it contains it promotes the process of flowering, knotting and maturity of the fruit, and also to overcome stressful situations. In addition, it promotes the homogeneity of the fruit and its resistance to transport. It is recommended to apply PLANTALG SEAWEED EXTRACT from germination, during pre-flowering, flowering and during the stages of major crop development.



  • Activation of natural defenses.
  • Stimulation of photosynthesis.
  • Improved resistance to water and heat stress.
  • Promotes growth and flowering.
  • Improved absorption of micronutrients.


Product code: 1601

Standard: NFU



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The composition of liquid formulations is given in P/V (%).

Nitrogen (N) Total: 2.50%
Of which 2.5% Organic nitrogen (suspended preparation based on peptides, polypeptides of vegetable origin; extract of algae)
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 0.00%
Potassium Oxide (K2O): 6.20%

Natural marine extracts

Density: 1.24

– Arboriculture
– Great crops
– Market gardening
– Vine


Drum 5L (Palette 480L)

Drum 10L(Palette 600L for France and 750L for export)