LIQUOBYO 1100 is a nitrogen organic liquid fertilizer that can be used in organic agriculture in accordance with current European regulations.
LIQUOBYO 1100 fertilizes your crops thanks to the diversity of organic materials perfectly available and assimilable by the plant. LIQUOBYO 1100 energizes soil microbial life for better nutrient assimilation and degradation of soil organic matter into humus.
Organic nitrogen of animal origin is assimilated more quickly by the roots allowing a more uniform and balanced vegetative development. This leads to an increase in biomass and, as a result, production. LIQUOBYO 1100 is adapted to difficult climatic conditions (thermal shocks, nutritional absorption difficulties due to salinity, water deficiency or low light).
LIQUOBYO 1100 ensures the complete nutrition of the plant in a gradual and sustainable way. It respects all stages of plant growth while improving soil quality. Indeed, it acts on both the microbial life of soils and on humus, both of which are growth promoters. Thus, LIQUOBYO 1100 guarantees a release of nutrients while renewing the soil, thus less loss by leaching.
- “Long-lasting” and highly assimilable fertilization.
- Valuing soil reserves.
- Less loss by leaching nitrogen.
- Stimulating plant defenses.
- Activating the microbial life of the soil.
- 100% natural and 100% organic nutrition.
- High organic matter content.
Product code: 3117
Standard: NFU
- Description
- Culture
- Conditioning
The composition of liquid formulations is given in P/V (%).
Nitrogen (N) Total: 11.00%
Of which 11.0% Organic nitrogen of animal origin
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 0.00%
Potassium Oxide (K2O): 0.00%
Organic matter: 62.0%
Density: 1.20%
pH: 5.50
– Arboriculture
– Green, Green Spaces
– Market gardening
– Vine
Drum 10L(Palette 600L for France and 750L for export)
1,000L tank