BOVINE MANURE is an organic amendment NFU 44-051, which can be used in organic farming in accordance with current European regulations. It is a small diameter cylindrical granule (pellet). It is dehydrated from natural bovine manure.
Organic matter is the key to soil fertility. Origin, dry matter, humus yield, low-temperature drying and the C/N ratio are indications of a quality product, carefully composted.
Interest in organic matter in this formula:
In soil, organic matter performs many agronomic and environmental functions:
– It ensures the storage and availability of the nutrients it needs for the plant by mineralization.
– They stimulate biological activity, being both a source of energy and nutrients for soil organisms.
– It has a central role in soil structuring and contribute to its stability vis-à-vis external aggressions (rain, settlement, etc.) by limiting water erosion.
– They promote soil warming (darker colouring of organic matter).
- High organic matter rate.
- Stimulating the biological activity of the soil.
- Improves soil structure.
- Increases the CEC.
- Brings nutrients in a balanced way.
Product code: 0660
Standard: NFU 44-051
- Description
- Culture
- Conditioning
Nitrogen (N) Total: 2.50%
Of which 2.5% Organic nitrogen
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 2.90%
Potassium Oxide (K2O): 2.90%
Organic matter: 47.0%
Dry material: 84.0%
C-N: 11.6
ISMO: 55%
Humidity: 15%
pH: 8.0
Pellet with a diameter of: 3 mm
– Arboriculture
– Market gardening
– Vine
25kg bag (Palette 1.25T)
500kg big bag